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Frequently Asked Questions

Here you can search through answers to the most common questions or issues
users and members ask our support team.

The TravelTrippa Brand.

More about TravelTrippa

General questions about TravelTrippa - it's business, people and other departments. This subcategory is for general questions only.

Who is Traveltrippa?
Who we 'ARE NOT'
Why are Trippa prices often so much less than the top 4 OTA's?
What if something goes wrong? Who do I speak to?

VIP Concierge.

Our VIP Concierge Program

Becoming a VIP Concierge Member is easy if you fully understand what it is, what you can and can't do and how to use it effectively.

What is the benefit of being a VIP Concierge Member?
Why should I pay for a travel service?
Why do I have to pay for the VIP Concierge members club?
Can i claim my VIP Concierge Membership on my tax?

Social Rewards.

The Trippa Social Rewards Network

Our Trippa Social Rewards program is easy and fun. When ever you post or share or comment TravelTrippa gives you points and you rise up our leaderboard. The following quesions and answers will help you understand more.

Is it Free you become a Social Rewards Member?
How many points do I need to win a prize as a Social Rewards Member?
How are the points set to be rewarded?
What do I have to do to be on the LeaderBoard?
Why not just post on my normal social channels?


Things to know about our Affiliate program

Being an Affiliate for TravelTrippa means that you market our brand across social media and other marketing channels. If anyone joins our Influencers Program - you get paid a commission.

What is an Affiliate?
What do I need to do as an affiliate to make money?
How much does it cost to be anaffiliate with traveltrippa?
What do I get paid commissions on?
What don't I get paid commissions on?
Do I have a special affiliate link?
Can I be both an affiliate and an influencer?
How much is the Affiliate commissions??


Things to know about our Influences program

Being a TravelTrippa Influencer means we give you all the tools you need using the latest promote and advise your followers and local people about all things travel. As an influencer, when people find your travel pages and purchase anything - you get paid. He are some common things people ask about this awesome part of TravelTrippa.

What is an Influencer Program?
What do I need to do as an influencer to make money?
How much does it cost to join the Influencer Program with traveltrippa?
There are two types of membership
What do I get paid commissions on?
What don't I get paid commissions on?
Do I have a special influencer link?
Do I need a domain name for my travel portal?
Do I own my travel portal and domain?
Where do I get my domain name from?
Its simple - let's break it down

Agents & Suppliers

About Agents & Suppliers

We promote selected hotels, resorts and other travel suppliers products and services to our global network. If you would like to see your brand name on TravelTrippa - just connect with us. Here are some common things you should know.

How do I put my travel Inventory on TravelTrippa?
Whats the difference bettween and 'Agent & a 'Supplier'
Is TravelTrippa a licensed travel agent?
Can you work with licensed Travel Agents?

Resorts & Investors

TravelTrippa Resorts & Investors

TravelTrippa is growing and we need to scale up globally. To do that we need to find investors who can come along for this journey with us. As we provide everything in travel online - it also makes sence for us to also be offline. We plan on purchasing several resorts as we can offer our guests a full travel plan and services. We would like to talk to intrestred investors looking to secure an excellend investment with bricks and mortar security.

Why not just purchase a resort without TravelTrippa?
What level of ROI can I expect for my investment?
What is the genral occupancy rate for these hotels?
How can you we be be sure TravelTrippa can increase the occupancy of the resort?
What are the requirements for foreign ownership as a non-resident international investor?

Do You Have Any Questions?

If you can't find the answer your looking for here - feel free to send a request to our support team. You may ask something no one else has thought of - this would be great, it helps us expand our public knowledgebase - and that is good for everyone!

Enter you details here and submit your reason for reaching out to our team.

The World is Amazing

Explore Your Life, Travel Where You Want!

TravelTrippa is there all the way of your journey. It starts with strectching your travel dollars with best prices, to peace of mind with 24/7 support while your away AND sharing your memories while being rewarded after you come home.